Do you have credit card debt that is racking up high interest? Are you looking for a great credit card that you can do a balance transfer with? Then continue reading to see if the Citi Simplicity Credit Card is the right card for you. Chances are if you are trying to get out from under existing credit card debt that you will find this offer enticing!
Special Offer Details
- 0% balance transfer APR for first 21 months of account opening
- Introductory balance transfer fee is 3% ($5 minimum) of every transfer that is done within the first 4 months of opening your account, then the fee is 5% ($5 minimum)
- Regular balance transfer APR is 18.99% – 29.74%
- $0 annual fee
- 0% intro APR on purchases made in the first 12 months of account opening
- Regular purchase APR is 18.99% – 29.74%
- No late fees
- $41 charge for a returned payment
Cons of the Card
- No established cash back rewards program
Yes, the Citi Simplicity credit card is available to all creditworthy borrowers around the world.
This card is best suited for paying off long term debt using the balance transfer feature. Another good use is if you are planning a major purchase.
The City Simplicity card utilizes the Mastercard network.
Yes, the fee for foreign transactions is 3%.
The City Simplicity card is designed to cater to individuals with good credit looking for a straightforward and practical credit card option. With its no-frills and basic features, this card proves to be an excellent choice for those who wish to transfer their balances, thanks to its two 0% balance transfer periods. Moreover, it is important to note that after the initial 21-month period, the City Simplicity card comes with a regular APR ranging from 18.24% to 28.99%. Therefore, this card proves to be highly suitable for individuals seeking a simple and efficient solution for managing their credit card balances.
The Verdict
If you have existing credit card debt then this is a great credit card option for you. If you are looking for a cash back card to add to your financial toolbelt, then this is not the right credit card for you. Given the 0% balance transfer APR, no late fees, and lack of an annual fee this is one of my top recommendations for a balance transfer card. Interested in applying for the credit card? Head on over to Citi’s website to apply today!