Do you enjoy taking advantage of credit card account bonuses? Maybe you have a big purchase coming up? Well the Capital One Quicksilver Rewards Card may be a great fit for you. This isn’t the perfect credit card, but as far as account bonuses go it is pretty decent.
Offer DetaIls
Currently, the new account offer for this card is a $200 statement credit when you spend $500 within the first 6 months of account opening. You also get 12 months at 0% APR on introductory purchases. Once the introductory 12 months are off, the card will resume a regular credit card APR.
- $200 statement credit when you spend $500 within the first six months
- 0% APR for 15 months
- 0% APR on balance transfers for 15 months
Cons of Card
Overall, the offer on this card is pretty good. The main con I have found is low credit card limits. There are also reviews on the card from supposed six figure earners also receiving low limits. There are a lot of factors that go into credit card companies and their approval process. But from what we have gathered, the biggest drawback to this card is the low limit. Regardless, you are still getting a $200 statement credit when you spend $500. So that is a pretty good deal, it is basically free money.
The Verdict
Overall, this is a great card option if you have a smaller purchase coming up that can fit within the lower credit card limit. You would essentially be getting 20% off if you spend $1000. Assuming your limit is only $1000. That is a pretty decent deal, however due to the lower approval limit we have seen we still recommend this card over the Capital One Quicksilver Rewards card!